Get 5 Stars Reviews packs dozens of customizable features into
one solution to get your business customer feedback and online reviews.

Platform Features

Complete Platform

Simple, but robust. A complete feedback platform for your business or brand.


All of our features are responsive for a complete mobile-friendly experience.


Our platform can manage feedback for one business location or over 10,000 locations.


Use our API to automate and integrate our offering from start to reporting.

Feedback Entry Points

GetFIveStars offers multiple methods to acquire your customers feedback and information.
Employ one or multiple methods to achieve the best results.

Single or Bulk Email

Manually add one customer email at a time or upload a customer spreadsheet.

SMS / Text

Send customers a SMS text message to request their feedback from their smartphone.

Tablet & iPad Kiosk Mode

Use your tablet or iPad to capture your customers feedback and information onsite.

API Integration

Integrate our API into your CRM or database to fully automate the process.

Customer Feedback

Get 5 Stars Reviews brings multiple levels of feedback from your customers into our platform allowing you
to gather, evaluate, measure and market your customer’s experiences.

Net Promoter Score

Capture your Net Promoter Score, a powerful data point and business indicator of your customers experience.

Customer Testimonials

We help you capture powerful testimonials from your customers that you can use in your marketing.

Testimonial Widget

Embed the widget anywhere on your own website to automatically display positive testimonials.

Online Reviews

We encourage happy customers to review you online at the review sites you select. Choose from over 40 review sites.

Reporting & Monitoring

Get 5 Stars Reviews offers feedback notifications, review monitoring and platform reporting to
help you analyze your customer feedback and online reputation.

NPS Reporting

We benchmark your Net Promoter Score over time so you can evaluate your improvement and customer service.

Review Monitoring

We monitor online reviews sites like Google, Facebook and more to alert you to new reviews so you can respond.


Our reports dashboard offers high level and detailed reporting. You can set-up auto-delivery of weekly or monthly reports.

Negative Alerts

Receive email alerts when customers rate you low so you can follow-up to and head off negative online reviews.
get 5 Stars Reviews